Domain Name related Rules
Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)
Gossimer provides 2nd Level Domain Registration services under .TEL.
A .TEL domain name provides the ability to store, publish and manage contact information and keywords directly in the Domain Name System (DNS), the hierarchical system by which easy-to-remember, human-friendly names such as are associated with Internet locations.
You may register .TEL domain names containing 2 to 63 characters.
From 13th March 2017, all usage restrictions were lifted from .TEL and you get to choose how you use your .TEL domain. Until then, your registrar or reseller provided you with access to and support for the Telhosting platform. For all new platform .TEL hosting product support requests from 13th March 2017 onwards, please contact You can write to the same email address in case you haven't received you new account details from the registry already.
Telnic now has a new iOS and Android app that will enable .TEL owners using Telhosting to fully manage their domain content using their smartphone. Free downloads will be available from the .TEL website or from the Apple and Google Play stores.
Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)
You can create a backup of the data on your .TEL domain name and later restore it using this backup from within your .TEL Hosting Control Panel. See details
This is particularly useful in case you are transferring your .TEL domain name from another Registrar to Gossimer.
Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)
If the Registrant of a .TEL domain name is an individual, he/she has an option not to have his/her personal information displayed in the Whois. The Registrant can choose to have this option enabled/disabled at the time of Registration.
However, if the Registrant of a .TEL domain name is an Organization, then the complete Contact details are displayed in the Whois. See details
Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)
Child Name Servers can not be registered under a .TEL domain name.
If you have a .TEL domain name registered as, you cannot register a Child Name Server such as,, etc. under it.